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  2. Wow! This blog is very informative. I never knew that devices talking to us or other things was called "The Internet of Things". This topic seems to have endless possibilities. Your blog made me very aware that we no longer need to teach students certain things, as they can look up most on Google. This is our next avenue to helping us to teach to higher order thinking. In addition I really enjoyed your visual that relates the internet of things to the new web 3.0. Overall, I am so fascinated by this subject and will be sure to reference your blog in the future. Do you yourself own any technology that utilizes the internet of things.

    1. Great blog Casey! This is something that I do not know much about. It really is mind blowing the possibilities. As a Spanish teacher I am try intrigued about how I can utilize it in my classroom. I am always focusing on speaking and listening skill in the target language. I am wondering if there could be a "thing" that could have a conversation in Spanish with my students? That would be a game changer! Looking forward to exploring this topic more and seeing where it goes! Great work!

    2. Hey Erika! I own a smart phone and have used a FitBit in the past. Did you mention that your boyfriend wanted to buy Nest for your house? What are his main reasons?

    3. Hi Beth! I have used the DuoLingo app as a refresher for Spanish, but it isn't quite to the point of having an actual conversation back and forth. I think Cleverbot is pretty close as far as conversations go: What do you think?

      For beginners, I think it would be cool to find an app where you could take pictures of objects and it would identify them for you in Spanish!

    4. Casey, Yes he does! He is such a tech junkie and loves to keep up with the latest greatest. He was hoping that it could make our house as high tech and efficient as possible. I on the other hand am not totally sold on this as I can simply do everything it does by myself. In your research about the internet of things did you get a glimpse into what the future holds as far as technology goes? What's next?

    5. Hey Erika! One bonus about products like Nest would be the ability to control temperatures in the house remotely. We have a friend who is an EMT, so he is frequently away from home for three days, then back home, etc. In the winter, for example, he can drop the temp while he's gone, then warm or the house back up so it's comfortable by the time he returns home. He's still saving money without sacrificing comfort. As far as the future, everything seems to be going in the direction of controlling things remotely and things being able to communicate and control each other without you even needing to interact with them. For example, if a student with visual impairment sat at a computer, the computer would identify that learner & automatically increase the font size to accommodate that student's individual needs. What are some learning needs or tasks in your classroom that seem to take up more of your time than necessary? Maybe we can brainstorm an Internet of Things solution!

    6. I love the idea of the computer adapting to the learners needs! So cool! I would like the idea of having something operate the blinds, turn off the lights and the locks of our doors when there is a lock down or red alert. This would ensure student safety and the teacher would only have to worry about taking care of her students rather than taking care of closing the blinds, turning out the lights, and locking doors. Could this be the next million dollar idea? If so I will refer back to your blog for credit! haha

    7. That would be amazing! I actually just heard about this new IoT technology coming out called Amazon Echo (a friend of mine got one for Father's Day!). It's a little speaker-looking device that you can place in the center of a room (like your classroom) and it operates like a combination of Siri & Nest. You can just talk to it & ask it to look things up online, update info on your other apps (like adding items to your grocery list) or have it change the controls in the house (turn on the lights, lock the doors, etc.) I bet it would work for lockdowns, too!

  3. Have you seen Parental Guidance? The movie is a comedy with Billy Crystal and Bette Midler. They are watching their grandchildren in a house that is equipped with something similar to Nest. It was great to see all of the possibilities and features of such a system, but it was also comical to see the pitfalls of such a system and the need for human interaction as well.
    Casey, I learned so much from your blog about the Internet of Things (IoT). Many times I had seen this acronym and didn't know what it meant.

    1. Hi Meghan! I haven't seen the movie, but now I really want to! What sorts of problems did they encounter? I have to agree that, in my opinion, there will always be some things that are just better when communicated to a real person vs. a robot!

  4. That is a great idea! When I introduce new vocabulary I could use this as fun resources for students to play around with! Have you found a way to use these such topics in your classroom?

    1. Hey Beth,

      I haven't integrated a ton of IoT technology into my classroom, but I have definitely started thinking about the way I teach and started tweaking it to adapt to the changes that IoT is bringing along. For example, instead of passing on information or asking students to memorize facts, I am spending my instructional time teaching them how to actually do the research and draw information from the ocean of data that is now available at their fingertips. Which pieces of IoT could you see working for your classroom?

    2. Casey,
      I am similar to you in that I am beginning to explore the uses I can have for IoT technology in my classroom. It is a very exciting endeavor. I am also looking to change the way I do my activities. I desire my students to have an more active part in the learning experience. Good luck in your classroom as you continue to learn with us all!

    3. Thanks so much, and the same to you! I think we will see more of it in our classrooms sooner since we work with older students (many of whom already possess "smart" devices).
